Hip Arthritis

What is Osteoarthritis of the Hip?

Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. In osteoarthritis of the hip, the cartilage covering the ends of bones in the hip joint become damaged and worn out, causing pain, swelling, stiffness and restricted movement.

Causes of Osteoarthritis of the Hip

There are multiple potential causes of osteoarthritis of the hip:

  • Advanced age
  • Previous hip injury or fracture
  • Family history of osteoarthritis
  • Hip diseases, including avascular necrosis

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Hip

People suffering from osteoarthritis of the hip experience severe pain in their hip and thighs, as well as morning stiffness and a limited range of motion.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Based on your symptoms, your hip surgeon will perform a physical examination, order X-rays and other scans, as well as certain blood tests. This allows your hip surgeon to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms, and provide more effective treatment.

Following diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the hip, your hip surgeon will recommend the most helpful treatment options and lifestyle modifications to help ease your pain and symptoms. These include both surgical and non-surgical treatment options:

  • Medications: Your hip surgeon may prescribe pain-relieving medications, such as NSAIDs and opioids. You can also apply topical medications, including ointments, over the skin. If the pain is severe, your hip surgeon may order a corticosteroid injection directly into the affected joint.
  • Physical therapy: Your physical therapist will teach you exercises to keep your joints flexible and improve muscle strength.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Your hip surgeon or physical therapist will provide lifestyle recommendations, including weight control to avoid extra stress on the weight-bearing joints.
  • Surgery: Your hip surgeon may consider minimally invasive hip joint replacement surgery if the pain is so severe it affects your ability to carry out normal activities.

Don't suffer in silence. If you think that you or a loved one is suffering from osteoarthritis of the hip, please schedule a free consultation with us.

Schedule an Appointment

If you wish to be advised on the most appropriate treatment, please call to schedule an appointment or click to request an appointment online.

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